Wednesday, March 16, 2016

5 Lessons of Karma for Retailers from Bhagavad Gita

In the battlefield of Kurukshetra, Lord Krishna enlightens Arjun when he laments over his decision to fight his own relatives. Lord Krishna guided him to do his karma and leave the rest. So let’s discover and unfold the lessons of karma for retailers from Bhagavad Gita, the greatest religious epic ever told.  Retailers cannot control everything but there are few things they can definitely control. And that is their karma. Here are 5 lessons of karma for retailers from Bhagavad Gita:
  1. Be Temperate in Everything- Avoid Extremities in Life– Retailers must take this quote seriously in managing their inventory. Excess inventory or low inventory level leads to severe losses.
  2. Wisdom becomes inaccessible due to selfish attitude– Just try to remember, your own greed led to piling up of inventory levels which were not required at all. All because the wholesaler gave you an offer you just couldn’t refuse. Hence, your selfish attitude for short-term ended up dooming your long term.
  3. Do not abstain from ‘action’- It doesn’t help– Running away from duties is not a way forward. Likewise, when you ran away or simply ignored the upcoming tragedy in your supply chain. The aftermaths could have been avoided.
  4. Equanimity in Actions– be free from the expectation of the outcome- If as a retailer, your karma is focussed on providing seamless retail experience to your customers then you would have taken decisions to keep your inventory level in constant check and on a daily basis.
  5. Do not doubt- As a retailer if you are using predictive analytics technology to leverage your supply chain then do not doubt because you have done your karma. 

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