Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Why is technology a must for SME in retail?

Image Source- YourStory
Indian retail will be $ 948 billion industry by 2018-19 as predicted by PwC report. However, an overwhelming 92% belongs to SME. The SME retail is highly fragmented and unorganized sector.
In SME retail sector, an invaluable source of information and intelligence lay hidden in the transactional details. However, the majority of them lack professional tools to create ‘Predictive Insights’ and harness ‘Actionable Intelligence’ offered by the humongous amount of transactional data that is being captured across their business.
In the face of problems that affect their business, they are either unaware or suspect the existing technology that can work in their favour.  Moreover, SME retailers do face a situation of stock outs or excess stocks in their inventory management.
In addition, they fear any kind of disruption in their existing workflow and process can be a showstopper for them. And they want help from technology that simplifies their inventory problems rather than making it complicated. It will be great if their problem is tracked and sorted out on a daily basis.
In recent years, Retigence Technologies has developed such technology that offers SME retailers only that.  Retigence’s predictive analytics assist any SME in its inventory management. It crunches data to outline how much inventory to keep and how much to order in near future.  It delivers day to day solution to SME in the retail sector struggling with their inventory management.
Especially, SME retailers prefer to maximize profits from their existing infrastructure of inventories. And that vision of earning profit cannot see the light of the day without the help of technology. That’s why technology is an unavoidable reality for SME in the retail sector. And Retigence’s predictive analytics engine provides you that simple predictive analytics engine for hassle-free inventory management daily.

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