Recently, a renowned diva posted a selfie in her new scintillating wardrobe. It created a hurricane in the social media. The selfie went viral. It became an overnight craze. The wardrobe that the diva wore became a trend all over. Within few weeks, the city was flooded with the apparel that the diva wore. The apparel proved to be a hip. There was an overwhelming trend of posting selfies with the facsimile of wardrobe on social media.
However, it would astonish any retailer that how come the latest fashion trend reached the store shelves in less than 2-3 weeks. Precisely, this phenomenon is termed as fast fashion. Fast fashion is a modern-day term used by fashion retailers in which the apparels worn on a ramp quickly reach the stores with an effective pricing to lure customers. The latest buzz in fashion is the key to fast fashion.
It is a business model that is totally driven by the consumer on the internet who wants to buy the latest stuff immediately. The latest trends are instantly replicated and put on the store. The consumer has turned more demanding so any fashion retailer has to be responsive at lightning speed. So whoever is successful in this business have to manage their supply chain and inventory quite efficiently. Only if we want our store’s door to open and witness bags clutching women gushing in the store to shop for more and more.
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