Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Toy Story of India

When you enter a room filled up with the crackling sound of kids playing gleefully, you simply know they are with toys. Cute little kids along with toys make a rapturous combination. Those little angels are the biggest consumers’ of toys around the world. Any empty shelf of their favourite toy makes them cry. Well, let me tell you the toy story of Indi
Go anywhere in India, you are bound to find a lot of kids giggling everywhere. Like every kid across the globe, Indian kids love and adore toys. Unlike, American kids who are used to playing with branded toys, most of the Indian kids play with toys that are locally made. But the toy industry scenario is changing rapidly across India.
Currently, India toy industry is pegged at $ 400 million. It represents a minuscule 0.5% of Global Toy Industry. However, the rapid increase in disposal income has spurred the growth in Indian toy industry. And toy industry is no exception. Now, branded toys are very much in demand. Giants of toy industry have jumped to capture that increasing demand. With the annual growth of 15%, the industry is poised to explode in terms of growth.
In recent years, cities like Bangalore, Ahmedabad, Hyderabad and Pune have become the manufacturing hub of Indian Toy industry. Nowadays, Indian consumers are more attracted towards branded products and the same goes with toys. Increased access to the internet has flourished internet retailing with better merchandise offering.
The toy industry of India is still at a nascent stage. And it is poised to shatter growth records in days to come. The influx of toy making giants in our market has already steamed up the market. In fact, the toy story of India has just started.

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